
Hi, I’m The Readyist. I’m a nerd with a passion for preparation; to plan and be ready for the various pitfalls of life. I created this site because I put so much research and effort into my own preparedness that I figured I should share it in the hopes that I can help someone, whether they’re in a tough spot or just hoping to avoid one.

The topics I am primarily focused on are:

  • Emergency preparedness
  • Home security
  • Computer security
  • Online privacy
  • Money / personal finance / investing
  • Self-sufficiency
  • Happiness

And the best part is that it’s all free!

Why should I listen to you?

I may not be a professional in all of these areas, but I’m the next best thing: a nerd! Oh yeah, and I’m not putting out AI-generated clickbait blogspam articles either. My goal here is to curate and share useful knowledge for the benefit of everyone!

This site is NOT about:

  • Trying to scare you
  • Trying to sell you stuff
  • Generating ad money from clickbait articles
  • Prepping for the zombie apocalypse
  • Spreading conspiracy theories
  • Spreading any particular political/religious dogma

Am I a “prepper”? Some might say so. But I’m not talking about bunkers and bullets here. I take a sane, down-to-earth approach and focus on the things you can actually do for the situations that can actually happen, so that you can live well no matter what life throws at you.


I am not a financial or legal professional.

I am not liable for any actions you decide to take (or not take) after reading my site. While I may discuss financial/investment/tax/legal topics (generally relating to the U.S.), this does not constitute financial or legal advice. This site is for amusement and learning purposes only. While I try my best to keep things factual, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of any content.

Also note that while I am not selling anything, I may link to external resources and mention relevant products/services that I actually use and/or recommend based on their own merits (and not just to make a referral bonus). I may also link to particular products simply to give an example of the type of product I am referring to in an article, without necessarily endorsing that particular one. If I’m actually recommending a product, I’ll try and make it very clear.